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Retrieve a contract code ledger entry using the JavaScript SDK

When you deploy a contract, first the code is "installed" (i.e., it is uploaded onto the blockchain). This creates a LedgerEntry containing the Wasm byte-code, which is uniquely identified by its hash (that is, the hash of the uploaded code itself). Then, when the contract is "deployed," we create a LedgerEntry with a reference to that code's hash. So fetching the contract code is a two-step process:

  1. First, we look up the contract itself, to see which code hash it is referencing.
  2. Then, we can look up the raw Wasm byte-code using that hash.
import { Contract } from "@stellar/stellar-sdk";

function getLedgerKeyContractCode(contractId) {
const instance = new Contract(contractId).getFootprint();
return instance.toXDR("base64");


We then take our output from this function, and use it as the element in the keys array parameter in our call to the getLedgerEntries method.

"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"id": 8675309,
"method": "getLedgerEntries",
"params": {
"keys": ["AAAABgAAAAGfjJVEBc55drW3U87N1Py0Rw0/nlqUA6tQ6r28khEl4gAAABQAAAAB"]

And the response we get contains the LedgerEntryData that can be used to find the hash we must use to request the Wasm byte-code. This hash is the LedgerKey that's been associated with the deployed contract code.

"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"id": 8675309,
"result": {
"entries": [
"key": "AAAABgAAAAGfjJVEBc55drW3U87N1Py0Rw0/nlqUA6tQ6r28khEl4gAAABQAAAAB",
"lastModifiedLedgerSeq": 261603
"latestLedger": 262322

Now take the xdr field from the previous response's result object, and create a LedgerKey from the hash contained inside.

import { xdr } from "@stellar/stellar-sdk";

function getLedgerKeyWasmId(contractCodeLedgerEntryData) {
const entry = xdr.LedgerEntryData.fromXDR(

const wasmHash = entry

let ledgerKey = xdr.LedgerKey.contractCode(
new xdr.LedgerKeyContractCode({
hash: wasmHash,

return ledgerKey.toXDR("base64");

// OUTPUT: AAAAB+QzbW3JDhlUbDVW/C+1/5SIQDstqORuhpCyl73O1vH6

Now, finally we have a LedgerKey that correspond to the Wasm byte-code that has been deployed under the ContractId we started out with so very long ago. This LedgerKey can be used in a final request to the Soroban-RPC endpoint.

"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"id": 8675309,
"method": "getLedgerEntries",
"params": {
"keys": ["AAAAB+QzbW3JDhlUbDVW/C+1/5SIQDstqORuhpCyl73O1vH6"]

And the response we get contains (even more) LedgerEntryData that we can decode and parse to get the actual, deployed, real-life contract byte-code. We'll leave that exercise up to you. You can check out what is contained using the "View XDR" page of the Stellar Lab.

"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"id": 8675309,
"result": {
"entries": [
"key": "AAAAB+QzbW3JDhlUbDVW/C+1/5SIQDstqORuhpCyl73O1vH6",
"lastModifiedLedgerSeq": 368441,
"liveUntilLedgerSeq": 2442040
"latestLedger": 370940